Redefining Futures Prop Trading: UProfit’s Freedom $150K Trading Evaluation

Last updated September 30, 2023

Attention, traders! If you're looking for the best prop firm to kickstart your trading journey, then this news is for you. UProfit, topping the charts on the "best prop firms for beginners" list, has recently unveiled its groundbreaking Freedom $150K Trading Evaluation, and it's nothing short of spectacular.

prop firm trader sitting at desk in front of trading monitors, typing on the keyboard.

So, what sets the UProfit's Freedom $150K Trading Evaluation apart? It's the best $150k prop firm evaluation on the market without a drawdown. Yes, you read it correctly—zero drawdown. For those uninitiated, a drawdown refers to the decline from a historical peak in some variable (typically the cumulative profit of the account).

If you've been around futures prop firms a while, you'll know this is what online prop firms call a static account, because the loss limit stays static, it doesn't move up with the account balance. Think of it in terms of a video game where winning more lives gives you more times you can die before you lose. Your profits add up and give you more room to take hits before you lose the account. In contrast, in regular trailing drawdown programs, your profits don't give you any "extra lives".

But this isn't just a static account, it's the static account to end all others. The UProfit Freedom details blow the others out of the water!

Here's a quick rundown of the Freedom $150K Trading Evaluation parameters:

  • Account balance: $150,000
  • Minimum trading days: 5 days
  • Profit target: $5,000
  • Maximum Loss: $5,000
  • Maximum contracts: 8 e-mini or 60 micros
  • Daily Loss Limit: $2,500

To put things into perspective, the closest comparable evaluation accounts from the competition are $100K accounts, and they only allow $625 in max loss. Not $5,000 like UProfit. Comparatively, the UProfit account gives traders eight times more room to trade ($5,000 divided by $625)! That's breathing room unheard of in the market, granting beginners more leeway to learn, grow, and thrive in futures trading.

For new traders, a static loss limit is more forgiving. You don't have to worry about losing your account while it's still profitable, for example. If you go up to $154,900 (almost passing) and then back down to $151,000, you're fine (assuming you follow the other rules). The account can even go back to negative, all the way down to $145,001, before you lose the account.

Not only that, let me point out a few other things:

  • Other static accounts are typically $625 loss limit and $2,000 profit target. You have to make over 3X what you're allowed to lose.
  • The uprofit freedom account has a 1:1 ratio, which makes for 3x better risk/reward. $5,000 loss limit and $5,000 profit target.
  • A higher max loss limit provides the necessary space to learn without fear of getting stopped out. It offers you room for growth and to let your trades play out, improving your odds of success with a good strategy.

Ready to dive into the world of futures trading with the best prop firm for beginners? Use this UProfit discount code and start your trading journey today. Remember, successful trading is about learning the ropes, having a trading plan and sticking to it. And UProfit's Freedom $150K Trading Evaluation is your gateway to do just that.

Not sure yet? See more uprofit details and insights here or check out this comprehensive guide to the best prop firms for beginners. Happy trading!

Daniel Larsen

Daniel created to help new and experienced traders level up. He began trading in 2002, and has spent over a decade trading professionally, for prop firms and clients. When he's not at a computer, you can find him on the ocean, in a canyon, or in the mountains.
